So on this page I’m going to discuss what I’m doing now to take off with my music and what I’m going to do in the future to boost my response. As well as tell you about what’s worked for me in the past, what has barely worked opposed to not working at all!
So for starters I’ve my cutting edge product, which is years of study, tutoring and behind the scenes magic. My product in this case is EDM your heart out! and another album called Dystopia. Both contain unreleased material with enough popular material on the disk that’s also generating a following on YouTube, Soundcloud and Newgrounds. I have my social media connections all ready to go including hundreds of friends on facebook with some people willing to repost things if they really stick out to them. I have my distribution platforms ready to go as well including Bandcamp and CDbaby, I’m just waiting on one site called Fresh tunes which apparently is notoriously hard to get your music on there as they mainly deal with music transfer to iTunes and spotify, so the tracks have to really mastered and really polished (they are a free website, but they make their money by selling you overpriced mastering on you album for around $10 per song (my local mastering shop that I sometimes deal with charges the equivalent of $35 per hour where they can process a whole twenty track album in that time…)
I have a facebook fan page where I have a small but nominal following of my music, which is around thirty people on the page, which isn’t bad judging by the fact that I’ve only had the page up for the last three days. I have a YouTube channel which on a good day I may get five to six hundred views per day and the minimum is around a hundred per day, which for my thirty subscriber count, is not a bad amount of daily traffic! I know you’re probably now screaming at me why I’m attempting to sell an album with only thirty subs.. well my thirty subs have taken me three years to get to that level, now it’s time to think outside the box, pull in traffic on my webpages, blogs, albums and fan pages via other sources, this comes to a way I can go to pull in more web traffic, bur at the same time an area which hasn’t particularly worked well in the past, and that’s advertising!
It really depends what platform I decide to post adverts to what reach I can achieve and what would be the final result…In the past I’ve tried advertising through YouTube (Google’s Adwords), I created a clear and concise marketing video with a thirty second remix of the best of the best of my music. For about $40 I~ got two subscribers, one whom promptly left after a week and one who is subbed nowhere day’s but I know they never watch my videos! My advertising video got a two thousand views, but that’s pointless as it’s an unlisted video and that is not connected to any other video as a result meaning the video wasn’t linked to other videos on my profile and hardly anyone clicked from the advertising video to my profile, so in my eyes it was a complete waste of money as the bounce rate was so obscene no one actually was paying attention to the important information which happened in the first ten seconds of the advert and I guess people were just ignoring ad, waiting to click off of it so the could actually watch the video they clicked on in the first place. bummer. I stupidly set up a text advert to take people to my Facebook fan page three weeks ago and within half an hour it had two hundred clicks to my page, cost me ten bucks and again had about a 95% bounce rate, in other words people clicked the ad and within a couple of seconds had left the page! So this rules out me ever using google Adwords ever again! as it plainly doesn’t work on both video and text based ads and is pretty expensive!
But next week I’ve got a new plan, and that is…I’ve set about $30 aside for a another Ad campaign , but not on Google this time, I’m going to try and boost my posts on two sites, one site is CDbaby were I can get a prime space banner ad for my album for a tenner a day (the only hitch is there is a week long waiting list) or the site to use is Facebook advertising which from my research seems to be slightly more expensive than Adwords, plus you have to pay up front, and y0ur only limited to the one website…that is facebook. but my research points to people having better results with the internal advertising and more people at least clicking on the ad which are already interested in the genre type, unlike Adwords when it could be any random person which clicks on your advert!
Hopefully by boosting my edm and dance page with people who are already interested in the EDM and Dance genres I can maximise my gains and get my band’s name across the fact that I’m selling music and hopefully, just hopefully it might end up with people liking my music and may produce maybe at least some sales of singles, an album sale would be nice but I’m not aiming that high at the moment, mainly if I only push the more expensive product from day one, I and you would crash and burn, as people generally like cheap things and my music singles are available right now for the nominal price point off .99 cents which people are more likely to buy than the whole twenty track album which retails at $9.99 (even though in the long run it’s cheaper to buy the album as my twenty track album average individually would obviously cost you just under $20, so effectively if you buy the album you’re effectively getting a 100% free more tracks, but as people generally like cheaper things for instant gratification in short term they are more likely to go for the single, weird huh! (I got that from a phycologists article which I was reading somewhere).
So these are a few things which I’ve tried, I guess another I can make is self promotion in person, so i.e: playing gigs (which are like getting blood out of a stone around here!) An other tool maybe to upgrade to WordPress pro and actually get my domain and website that I can put a shop on and links and videos of my popular music! Many things to try, but I do know that you have to spend money to make money, but wasting on false services technically is fraud; you know if I did it….how google adwords gets away with it I don’t know but I guess it’s the whole problem with the underdog against the giant.
Anyway enough of this talk, I’m, going o finish off by posting up some song videos which I created from new sampling techniques which I am currently learning as part of the learning curve of owning a new Akai MPC Studio! They are heavy EDM verging on Drum and Bass flavour, I hope you have enjoyed reading this article which I’ve written and you also enjoy my attempted remixing skills! *nah it’s not that bad, they do need some work to them but they are masterpieces in their own right! Just slightly experimental;
The first one for your entertainment! sample flip no,1
and the second one: sample flip no. 2
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