Sunday, 8 January 2017

No specific Genres of music by Exe.Dist

This is where I will post my nonspecific tunes which I've made, many are electronic and sequenced in nature, many are experimental, but I will give a description where necessary.

The First is a song called "My downfall", which is a dark electro song with vocoded vocals and a slow beat. I made this after a near death experience.                         My Downfall 

The next song is called "Song one Alternate mix", this is a slow piano piece with lots of feeling which turns into as electro dance piece. There is a second mix called "Love is lost" which sees me rapping over this same song. Love is lost is a relationship song which I made during a break up with my last partner. Song One Alt             Love is lost

This next song is called "Trebor" which is a medium paced piano piece with pizzicato strings, I like this piece as it has a nice nearly daft punk sounding electronic synths section and drums which compliment it. Trebor

The next song is "When the (Sic) doesn't work" which is meant to be "when the drugs don't work", which is a popish song on piano which I made to rapped over.               

When the (sic) don't work

The next song is an of song of mine, which is electro sounding with dance drums, this piece is called "Dance with Beat". I made this piece when I was in college and wanted people to play with me musically, they rarely did so I lyriced this as such. This has one of my favourite synth solos on it of all time and it is a laid back piece. 
Dance with Beat

This next song "Spectral Crawl" is based on a dream state and a particular waking nightmare, this is electro mixed with heavy dance at end. It could be considered as trance, but I don't label it as such. I hope you like this piece as its one of my favourite pieces on this list. The song at the end of the mix, is based on and is meant to fit to the video of spiders by Cyriak and I think it fits the video quite well. The waking nightmare was also of spiders. 
Spectra Crawl

The next piece is a Accordion song called "Chamberlain" which is a near gypsy, french fusion piece which I composed while I was at college in Gloucestershire, It is really laid back and the Sequenced piano and other instruments go really well with it. 

The next piece is based on 60' and 70s early synth tunes from the likes of gershon kingsley and the moog orchestra. This has a beat similar to hot butter's "popcorn", but nowhere as good as that classical song, but this song has its own quirks! On this tune I use a synth sample from the EDM Wasp which is a late 70's synth, I sampled it and key mapped it on my Yamaha A3000 and played it in live. as well as thats sample there is samples taken from the Yamaha C40m 
Nearly Vintage

"CS80 VST sound test" this I made when I was playing around with the Arturia's CS80 emulation, I made this song which is like electro pop but with factors taken from game music, parts remind me of the music from Duke Nukem 3d. I made all the sounds for this from scratch and think I did fairly well. The second is also a sound test but of Arturia's VST called Synclavier V which is a emulation off the famous Synclavier synthesiser from the 80's, but was so expensive not a lot of people owned them. This tune is electro in nature and again taking aspects from early 90's computer games.
CS80 Sound test                Synclavier sound test  

"Fright nights pain" Is a song I made in "Sequel" which is a program made by Steinberg (the same people that made Cubase the DAW which I use now). This is a song which I made for a competition that the "Horror channel" did on cable/satellite. This has a creepy feel to it and has been seen by a few as one of my masterpieces. 
Fright nights pain

"Evil Ed" is one of my most popular songs on Newgrounds and that's for good reason, it was a ass to make and one of the most complicated pieces I ever made, in a sequencing program called Sequel which this song pushed to it limits. It is a electro on genre song which doesn't fall into any of my known categories. 
Evil Ed

"Save the Race" is a song which starts of with a slightly discordant piano and then goes into a heavy electro piece which at times verges on Dance music. It has a heavy bass track and It sounds off but weirdly right. 
Save the Race

"Wannabe Dance" is a light dance/electro track with powerful and punchy synthesis. There are several versions of this track on Newgrounds and people have done remixes of it. Someone commented on it saying it was "Unique". 
Wannabe Dance

The next track is strictly a New Wave song which is trying to sound like a lot of 80's style tracks, it's rightfully called "That 80's sound", I have done several vocal versions of this but I'll first post the instrumental as it's my most played track out of all of them, mainly as the vocal version was a newer track and hasn't had the exposure, like the instrumental that's been out nearly a year. 
That 80's sound 

The next track is related to the last and it's called "Choose Freedom/Reason", which is a song about Alcohol addiction which is completely sung by me. 
Choose Freedom  

"Inner Sanctum" and "Interstellar" are tracks I made after I had heard a track by Hans Zimmer in collaboration with Jean Michel Jarre, called "Electrees". I scored this track to try an imitate what I heard and I ended up with these Neo Classical pieces, which are both very moody and nice easy listening tracks. 

Inner Sanctum                   Interstella

Then there's "Dystopian dreams" which is part of my dystopian series (which will be another list for another day). I made this in the response to "Dystopian Peace" being so popular. This is a  dark electro piece with many hours of synth works, it took me a week to complete during spare time. 

Dystopian Dreams 

"Livid" is a slow laid back Electro piece which I made when I was rather annoyed about something. 

The last piece is one called "Optic State" which is another Dystopian one from my series. It's dark electro with me singing. It takes inspiration from Gary Numan/Tubeway army. My vocal really suits this dark piece. 

Optic State  

If you liked this list and the music, leave me a comment on here or on YouTube and I'll get back to you. I will launch a new list twice per week, Sunday and Wednesday. 

This will be at the start by primarily my music but I will add other peoples tracks as time goes on as I only have finite tracks to play around with.

I hope everyone is having a nice weekend!

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